Bowmont Angus focus on marketing and selling yearling bulls. We believe this is the way of the future and has lots of benefits. Some of these are:
-Prepared on green feed rather than grain
-Accessing the newest genetics earlier
-Lower mature body weights which leads to less breakdown and more longevity
-Prepared on green feed is better for fertility
-Yearling bulls are less likely to try and be the boss of the pack on arrival at a new property
Yearling bulls do need slightly different management than more mature sires, in that they need a lesser work load in the first year, and also some sound nutrition post their first joining. Where possible try to avoid single sire joining but, do not join with older bulls as they will be bossed out of the mob.
The benefits far outweigh the negatives in our eyes, and we have seen our clients embrace this philosophy to great effect. We believe a good number for a yearling bull in his first joining is around 25 females. Sound management in the first year will ensure a long service life for your new sire.