Bowmont Angus is a seedstock beef cattle business located at Tatyoon in Western Victoria, Australia.
The property Bowmont and the associated Bowmont Angus Stud is owned and operated by Sam and Jane King and their three children Olivia, Tom and Sophie. Sam is the third generation of the King family to manage Bowmont succeeding his father Geoff and grandfather Richard before him.
The business, within the property Bowmont, has evolved over the generations with a rich history in the stud breeding industry. Richard King ran predominantly fine/superfine wool merinos, which included the Bowmont Merino stud which was founded by his father Robert King in 1908. Geoff continued the long family tradition of the Bowmont Merino Stud and then went on and founded the Bowmont Hereford Stud in 1977, as well as venturing into cropping.
Sam continued with his father Geoff, to breed quality Hereford seedstock which was a passion they both shared. Not being new to stud breeding, Sam continued his passion of breeding quality livestock and founded the Bowmont Angus stud in 2013. Then in 2017, Sam and Jane dispersed the Hereford Stud to venture into breeding solely Angus seedstock. The farming business at Bowmont is now purely seedstock and commercial Angus breeding and broadacre cropping.
The stud breeding of livestock is a passion of Sam’s, which has been passed on through the generations. Like the rest of our business the focus is always to make ourselves, and our clients as profitable as possible, whilst taking into consideration our care for the land, the environment and the animals it encompasses.
Bowmont Angus was formed in 2013 with the purchase of one Heifer from Coolana. Further additions came in the form of Embryos from Aberdeen Estate in 2013 prior to that stud dispersing. In 2014 Embryos were purchased from Landfall Angus in Tasmania which continued on an annual basis for the following four years, as well as physical females from Landfall and also 6 cows from the Coolana stud herd dispersal. Other than the Aberdeen Estate Embryos the female base of the Bowmont herd is from Landfall and Coolana as well as the inclusion of one heifer from Dunoon.
The major female lines which have been introduced are:
Princess, Wilcoola, Vicky from Aberdeen Estate
Annabell, Joy, Janet, Kauri, Tearfull from Coolana
Archer, Caraway, Dainty, Dame, Elsa, Enid, Fearless, Southern from Landfall
These foundation females have given Bowmont a wonderful base in which to build from. Each year Bowmont runs an extensive ET program to further enhance and instill the best of these female lines into the herd and accelerate genetic gain.
Here at Bowmont we focus on the core values of profitable beef production: Each female must calve as a two-year-old, and must rebreed each season with a short calving interval. We aim to breed an animal which has a moderate birth, moderate maturity pattern with a big carcass on a sound set of feet and legs. We believe that this animal is extremely functional and fits into a range of markets whether it grass or grain finishing.